Safety, savings and travel comfort: discover the advantages of having a provider for out-of-school outings
Surely, more than once you have wanted to organize some extracurricular outing of your Center and when trying to prepare it the procedures in its management have been able to discourage you to do so.
Do not worry, at HiPlans we have a work team with experience in the field of education. Leisure and free time and through the personalized service we offer you can hire many activities, with the advantage of having a single interlocutor for your management.We are aware that this search for offers of activities can be a lot of effort if each of the services involved in the activity is managed independently.Therefore, in HiPlans! we offer our extracurricular activities in all schools and educational centers at competitive prices. With the intention of bringing classroom entertainment and extracurricular outings to the greatest number of centers and families possible.
In HiPlans we rely on four values, which for us are fundamental:
it is our fundamental value, since we use the latest technology in vehicle safety systems, always thinking about the welfare of the children.
Peace of mind
Thanks to our bus geolocation service
Our entire fleet will be identified to make an exhaustive follow-up from any mobile device. Giving immediacy in the consultation and, consequently, tranquility, both to teachers and parents.
Our activities are hired only through an interlocutor, so the management is not tedious. On the contrary, it is done nimbly and quickly.
Concerned about the environment, we always consider social and environmental variables.Why choose a company like HiPlans to manage the plans and out-of-school outings of your Center?
As we have told you, security is our most important value and it is the one that we invest the most, both in terms of technological advances and in the human factor.
At HiPlans we like to work responsibly and gain the trust of our customers through our commitment to punctuality and formality in the performance of our services. We always seek excellence to improve the quality of our work every day and achieve. As a result the full satisfaction of our customers and who will enjoy our services, students.We are your best option to hire activities for students. Take the test and you will repeat!